
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Using Compiler

#include <16f877.h>
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#include "flex_lcd.c"

void forword_dir(void)
lcd_send_byte(0, 0X18);

void backword_dir(void)
lcd_send_byte(0, 0X1E);
void main() {
int a,i;

lcd_init(); //lcd initialize
lcd_putc("\f"); //lcd clear
// lcd memory can hold up to 40 characters 
lcd_putc(" http:// shibuvarkala . blogspot . com");

for (i=0;i<14;i++)
//for(i = 0; i <> )
delay_ms(50); // scroll delay

for (i=0;i<14;i++)

// Above coding is for scrolling the text on LCD. With this example, we can adjust the code for our project. There are lot of example on internet for coded a PIC. Several link can be use for our study like to implement on project.

Using Proteus For Simulation

If the actual circuit is not working fine, protues is the best way to check or troubleshoot the circuit. With this procedure, i can adjust the coding and ensure the code working fine before burn on real PIC. Below picture of testing procedure...

 Tx side on Proteus

Simulate and check the error.

Circuit Process

 Construct RX and TX circuit on etch board
 Transmitter side.

Testing LCD before actual coding.

Etching for Tx and Rx Circuit

 Transmitter Side
Receiver Side

- Circuit has been constructed on Proteus software 1st before the etch circuit. In this case, im using Express    PCB to build a circuit. Etching process can has been done with this reference link